Snowy Volcano

There is snow on the island of Pico this morning as we head back to Horta. It is raining and windy but most of the week has been clear blue skies, starry nights and beautiful sunrises & sunsets with crepuscular rays. The glassy water on some days has made sighting conditions really good. So far we have seen sperm, pilot, fin and sei whales. Also lots of common dolphins, some Risso’s and bottlenose dolphins and several loggerhead turtles.

A perfect sunrise.

I heard dolphins yesterday on the hydrophone for the first time, which was incredible and watching the visual acoustics on screen at the same time also blew my mind. There is definitely an art project there somewhere, brewing. We had a drawing challenge mid-week where everyone picked a word out of a hat and drew something by the end of the next day. Everyone created a master piece. It was great.

I have learnt so much already and feel really inspired for when I get back to my studio. Although I will miss living on “Song of the Whale” at sea among the cetaceans.


Sonia is our first artist in residence aboard Song of the Whale as part of an on-going collaboration with the Cape Farewell project, whose 2011 expedition to the West coast of Scotland was based onboard Song of the Whale .  She has just finished an MA in Art and the Environment  at  University College Falmouth in Cornwall and draws life size pictures of endangered whale species on beaches, allowing them to wash away with the tide.


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