Big river, small whale

The Song of the Whale team are currently busy preparing for an upcoming project on harbour porpoises (the UK’s smallest whale) in the Tidal Thames, our busiest waterway. In early March, R/V Song of the Whale and team will be back on the water to conduct the first dedicated surveys for Thames porpoises. The study will cover the waters from Teddington Lock to the outer Estuary, using acoustic and visual methods, in combination with public shore watches, an open day and a programme of virtual lessons for schools. Working closely with a wide range of partner groups, and with the fantastic support of our funders, the team will also undertake a second survey in late summer; other activities will be rolled out through the year. Follow the team and project on our website, Facebook and Twitter pages to learn more about the project and how you can get involved.

The team have been building a new hull mounted directional hydrophone to be trialed during the Thames survey.
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