The MCR team recently completed the third and final cetacean survey of Cypriot waters. These visual and acoustic surveys were commissioned by the Department of Fisheries and Marine Research (DFMR). The project is a collaborative effort between MCR, Pelagos Cetacean Research Institute, Cyprus-based AP Marine and DFMR.
Five species of cetacean were recorded during the most recent survey, including sperm whale, rough-toothed, Risso’s, striped and bottlenose dolphin, demonstrating a surprisingly high diversity of cetaceans in the region during early summer. Excitingly it seems that one of the sperm whales photographed by the team had previously been captured in a photograph taken by the Pelagos team in the Ionian Sea some years ago ! Analysis of the combined survey results from 2016 and 2017 is ongoing and the team will submit the final report to DFMR later this summer.

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