Field and desk services
Scientific and operational expertise and facilities are available through MCR Ltd. Field and desk services include:-
Research surveys
- Acoustic surveys for marine mammals.
- Marine mammal mitigation and monitoring using both visual and acoustic techniques.
- JNCC marine mammal and ESAS ornithological surveys.
- Marine science and oceanographic surveys.
- Anthropogenic noise measurements.
- Environmental Impact Assessment.
- Buoy deployment and retrieval.
- Conductivity, Temperature and Density measurements.
- Plankton tows.
- University research surveys.
- Survey design, implementation and logistical advice.
- 12 or 24 hour operations available.
Development and/or specification of Passive Acoustic Monitoring (PAM) systems (for rental or purchase)
- Equipment hire and personnel.
- Vessel charter with qualified marine operations crew.
- PAM 200 metre and 400 metre towed hydrophones and autonomous /remote devices.
- Highly qualified and experienced research staff for PAM, survey and mitigation work.
Desk based services
- Survey design and planning.
- Passive acoustic and visual data analysis.
- Environmental Impact Assessment.
- Abundance, density & population estimations.
- Desk based literature reviews.
- Highly qualified scientific advice for all types of marine mammal survey.
- Habitat modelling.
- Bioacoustics, biology of marine species and GIS.
- Statistical, graphic and geographic analysis.
- Report writing.
Training and workshops
- JNCC/ESAS seabird surveys.
- JNCC marine mammal observer.
- Passive acoustic monitoring survey.
- Pamguard and IFAW software training.
- University training and courses.
- Platform for commercial and NGO workshops, training and team building cruises.
- Song of the Whale can be chartered for coastal or offshore expeditions, as a project base or support vessel, with marine scientists or just essential crew, as appropriate.
Film & photography
The team has extensive experience across all types of media from radio to documentary film:
- Coastal or offshore platform for film and photography projects.
- Elevated A-frame platform, crow’s nest, side davits, stern steps to dive platform and low bow for optimal views.
- Two tenders available for projects requiring greater manoeuvrability, shallow-water work, trips to shore, etc.
- Comprehensive onboard power regime for charging batteries, powering lighting, running compressors, etc.